The world of cannabis can seem a bit daunting and complicated if one decides to truly explore its nature in detail. A rich list of abbreviations and out of this world words will expose themselves when you start to unravel the mysteries behind this magical plant. However, some of the most important ones to understand and get a grasp of are the three and four-letter abbreviations. You are probably already familiar with the more popularized ones such as CBD and THC, the two major cannabinoids in cannabis. However, it may come as a surprise that there are 113 cannabinoids within the plant, which all play their unique role in shaping the plant’s true potential.
Cannabis’ cannabinoids are like the founding blocks of all that makes the plant so powerful. Among the ones that are worth exploring in detail due to their influence on the body when consumed is CBG. We will explore this cannabinoid further to see what it really is, how it affects the body, and how it can be used.
What is Cannabigerol?
CBG or cannabigerol is a non-psychoactive substance found in cannabis plants or both marijuana and industrial hemp. To be able to truly understand the nature behind this compound it is essential to have basic knowledge of the biology of the plant itself. Biosynthesis is a vital process in the plant, which is responsible for pretty much everything that goes on in cannabis. It is the process of combining chemical compounds in order to create new ones. Two of the most important ones to understand in cannabis are geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP) and olivetolic acid (OLA) as they are responsible for giving birth to all the cannabinoids in cannabis.
The formation of CBG starts with the combination of geranyl pyrophosphate and olivetolic acid, which forms CBGA. The newly created CBGA can then be mixed with plant enzymes to create additional major acidic cannabinoids such as THCA, CBDA, or CBCA. When heated, these acids turn into non-acidic molecules and become the more popularized versions of THC, CBD, or CBC.
In the case of CBG, the cannabinoid is mainly discovered in hemp. Marijuana strains, which have been created for the purpose of containing high doses of THC will usually have a very little amount of CBG. Strains with high levels of CBD, however, contain higher levels of CBG.
CBG’s health benefits
You are probably already familiar with the vast range of health benefits that cannabinoids can have on our bodies. Although all of them can be useful, they all have their distinct and unique uses and can be treated as separate remedies. The way in which cannabinoids are able to influence our health is through their communication with our endocannabinoid system. When looking into CBG, a number of associated health benefits appear:
Reduces intraocular pressure – receptors of the endocannabinoid system can be found in the eye areas and CBG’s contact with them can serve as a cure for glaucoma. In addition, the compound’s vasodilator nature and its neuroprotective characteristics provide further benefits.
Anti-inflammatory – CBG has been proven to reduce inflammation in the body and can be extremely soothing for patients suffering from bowel disease.
Brain cell protector – Experiments reveal that CBG is capable of supporting and protecting neurons in our body and prevent nerve cell degeneration in the brain. As such, the compound can be used as a brain protector due to its abilities to stimulate the growth of neurons.
Fights cancer – Another powerful quality of CBG is to act as an anti-proliferate and prevent cancer cells from growing and spreading in the human body. The cannabinoid has the ability to block receptors responsible for tumor growth.
Antibacterial – CBG is successful in fighting certain bacteria in the body, which are otherwise incurable due to their resistance to pharmaceuticals. The compound is especially effective in fighting Staphylococcus aureus, an infection which is methicillin-resistant.
Appetite Stimulant – patients suffering from depression or certain phases of cancer often experience a lack of appetite, which negatively influences the immune system and weakens its ability to fight the disease. CBG can be used to boost patients’ appetite and help revive the body’s immune system.
Stimulates bone growth – Similar to other cannabinoids found in cannabis, CBG can serve as a stimulant for bone growth and can be of significant help when treating fractures.
Antidepressant – CBG’s contact with certain endocannabinoid receptors responsible for our mood means that the compound can serve as an antidepressant and limit the risk of the potential negative side effects from standard medication.
Helps with sleep – The cannabinoid can play the role of an anti-insomniac and can help revive the natural sleeping cycles of the body in conditions where they have been damaged.
As we can see from the rich list of benefits that CBG has on our body, the compound may not be the most powerful cannabinoid but it plays an essential role in keeping some of our vital systems in harmony and balance.