With the evolution of technology and science moving forward, there is now a rick pool of medical treatments created to cure almost any disease we could possibly think of. However, more and more people have started turning an eye towards alternative remedies that were previously believed to be nonsense. The world’s population is increasingly feeling the discomfort and post-effects of the dynamic lifestyle, stress, poor diet, and more. With an approach to healthier living, it is only natural that there comes a shift in mentality towards the cures the planet has to offer.

As such, CBD oil has made a strong entrance in the medical and pharmaceutical industries in a number of countries. Regardless of whether you are fond of marijuana or have read topic-related articles, chances are that you have come across the term CBD. While the subject of marijuana was banned or at least frowned upon in the past, a number of countries have already legalized the plant and its magical effects, both from a recreational and medical perspective. The legality of recreational marijuana is still controversial in the majority of the world but medical marijuana is gaining popularity.

When it comes to the medical benefits of marijuana, one of the most widely consumed products is CBD oil. With its vast range of therapeutic benefits for the body, it is considered a promising way of coping with things like pain relieve, stress, anxiety, obesity, lack of concentration, inflammation, and more. To gain a clear perspective of the nature of CBD oil it may be worth exploring in more detail what CBD actually is and how CBD oil is made.

What is CBD

CBD is a short abbreviation for cannabidiol, which unlike THC, is not a psychoactive substance but stimulates a number of positive effects in the body of consumers. The substance is one of the main chemicals found in the cannabis plant and is a valuable source, with a wide range of uses. Cannabinoids have the power to communicate with the CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are essential for a range of the body’s abilities.

For instance, CB1 receptors are found within nerve cells in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral organs and tissues. They are mostly responsible for memory, pain management, and motor control. CB2 receptors, on the other hand, are located in the tonsils and the spleen and play a key role in regulating cytokine release. CB2 receptors are also important for anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer purposes.

Having this in mind it is easy to spot why CBD and products such as CBD oil are such a valuable natural resource.

What is CBD oil used for?

Although CBD can be found in the marijuana plant, it is also an active substance of hemp. Relating this back to CBD oil it may be worth noting that not all CBD oil was created equal. There are CBD oils derived from marijuana and such extracted from hemp. They may both be labeled CBD oil but the two certainly differ in nature and are used for different purposes.

CBD oil, in simple, is a concentrated CBD in the form of oil, which can be consumed via different methods. For instance, consumers can vape on CBD oil or put it under their tongue, they can use it in lotions, creams, or sprays, or include it in their diet as an edible. The ultimate purpose for using CBD oil is for the treatment of discomforts such as pain or serious health conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, inflammation, nausea, sleep disorder, stress, anxiety, and more.

Hemp CBD oils and cannabis CBD oils vary in terms of the concentration of CBD, the THC level, the regulation and legalization of the substance, and the reasons for a prescription.

The process of making CBD oil

The process of making CBD oils always starts with extraction. Although there is a range of different extraction methods available, most are linked to the use of a solvent for extraction. The extraction is essential for the easy utilization and manufacturing of CBD products such as CBD oil. The used solvents can be liquid, CO2, or other oil-based. The idea behind the solvent is to break any active compounds found in the plant.

Solvents broken down

Liquid solvents are a preferred method for CBD-only plants as they are the easiest to carry out and require the least investment. Using a liquid solvent requires the plants to be placed inside a container where they are soaked in liquid solvents such as hexane or ethanol. Running down the liquid solvent through the plant allows for the cannabinoids to mix up with the liquid. When evaporation is carried out on the liquid, all that remains are the concentrated compounds from the plant, which can then be used to create CBD oil.

CO2 used as solvent can vary from solid, liquid, or gas, thanks to the flexibility of the molecule. Extraction through CO2 requires experts and professional equipment, which will ensure the regulation and control of factors such as temperature and pressure. The machine used for CO2 extraction brings a lot of benefits. For instance, the time required for extraction is substantially less when compared to other methods. The time necessary for evaporation is omitted and there is little to no threat from contamination of the extracted material. CO2 extraction is also a popular choice when working with a plant, which contains CBD and THC. Often, this method is preferred by well-established companies who specifically work with CBD.

Oil extraction, on the other hand, is one of the most basic forms of CBD extraction and can be traced back centuries ago. This is also a method that home producers of CBD oil will use. Oil extraction starts off with the heating the plant material, following specific instructions regarding temperature and time. Heating is necessary to activate the plant’s substances. Once the heating is complete, olive oil is added to the plant and again heated for around two hours. The second heating is where the actual cannabinoid extraction takes place. Unlike the previous two methods, there is no evaporation; therefore the end product will not be as concentrated. In addition, the CBD oil acquired via oil extraction must be carefully stored in a cold and dark place as it will be more sensible in contrast to CBD oil derived through a liquid or CO2 solvents.

Extraction is harder when the plant contains CBD and THC.

In the case of CBD extracted from marijuana, the activity may be a bit more complex due to the existence of both CBD and THC in the plant. Although extracting these substances may not be very difficult, separating one from the other may take longer to complete. Usually, separating THC from CBD in extracting the substances is the most difficult task for manufacturers and certainly requires professional equipment to support the process.

CBD isolates are a popular single-molecule crystalline powder, with an extremely high concentration of cannabidiol, with nearly 99%. With the CBD isolates, all terpenes, other cannabinoids, oil, or chlorophyll is taken away with the aim of leaving only powder as a product. The CBD crystals are created by going through the steps of oil extraction, after which the process of chromatography takes place. The last step is to heat and activate through the process of decarboxylation.

Where can you find CBD oil?

In order to have access to CBD oil, the product must be legal in your country of origin. Check what the regulations say or schedule a consultation with a professional medical expert who can guide you on the subject. CBD oil can be purchased through a prescription and is often found in pharmacies or drug dispensaries.

The described above methods of extracting CBD for CBD oil are certainly not the only available methods. With the quick development of technology today and the increased interest in the product, chances are that new and more innovative ways of making CBD oil will be created. The methods are often selected based on the specific requirements and resources available. For instance, if you are a home producer interested in trying the product, it may not make much sense to invest in professional technology and equipment for the extraction of CBD. However, if you are working in a trusted and legitimate business in the field of CBD extraction or CBD oil, legal requirements make it obligatory to provide quality and guarantee that the provided products will be safe.

Before consuming CBD oil, it is advisable to research the product you have selected and arrange a professional consultation with a medical expert, who can provide valuable advice regarding the intake of the product.

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