We’ve looked into cannabinoids in detail in other articles and have slightly touched upon the existence of cannabinoid acids in cannabis. Although not commonly discussed, cannabinoid acids are an essential part of the plant, whose main purpose is to transform cannabinoids into active substances. Thanks to these acids we can benefit from the healing effects of CBD and THC, for instance. And it doesn’t stop there.
CBD and THC are only two of more than 100 cannabinoids found in marijuana. And the good news is that they all have distinct features and play a different role in the body by interacting with different receptors from the endocannabinoid system. One of the less discussed but certainly important cannabinoids is CBCV. Let’s dive deeper into the topic and explore its impact on the human body when consumed.
CBCV: What is it?
CBCV or cannabichromevarin was first discovered in 1975 in Thailand when the cannabinoid was isolated from cannabis. The compound is not a dominant cannabinoid and its quantity is much less than other cannabinoids such as CBD and THC. It is referred to as a propyl cannabinoid and is often compared to CBC, with which it has a special relationship. CBC is the predecessor of CBCV but their structures are different as CBCV’s chemical structure is shorter when compared to CBC. Its similarities to CBC mean that CBCV does have some identical effects as CBC but also carries its own, unique set of characteristics.
The legal restraints surrounding marijuana for years have limited the research conducted on CBCV since its discovery. However, in recent years the world’s population has started shifting its mentality towards the plant in a new direction, as a result of more discoveries related to the powerful herb.
CBCV’s characteristics
What science has brought forwards regarding CBCV is that the cannabinoid is certainly not psychoactive unlike THC, the cannabinoid responsible for the high effect from smoking marijuana. This makes CBCV safe to use by children, elderly, and patients suffering from conditions affecting the mind. In addition, its consumption does not require any heating or the process of smoking, further opening up the opportunities for intake. In contrast, THC is considered a dangerous compound for kids and remains illegal in the majority of the world dues to its psychoactive nature.
The true point of differentiation of CBCV from the rest of the cannabinoids remains a mystery and more research is required in the field. While some compounds with similar structures perform alike functions, others act in completely different ways. An example can be seen with THCV and THC, were THCV can actually diminish THC’s effects on the body.
In a similar way, when consumed with other cannabinoids, CBCV is likely to change its influence on the body.
How can CBCV be used?
One of the most popularized uses of CBCV is as an anticonvulsant. In addition, if studies confirm its similar impact as CBC, the cannabinoids may be used for its anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, analgesic, antibiotic, and antifungal properties. Its close relation to CBD may also mean that the cannabinoid is capable of improving one’s mood, tackle chronic pain through interaction with the endocannabinoid system’s receptors, and overall cure depression by removing the negative symptoms. There is likeliness that the effect will even be enhanced as a result of the “Entourage Effect” which analyzes the way in which cannabinoids work together.
Stemming from CBC and CBD’s potential, CBCV can be related to treating the following:
Muscular Dystrophy
Sleeping disorders or insomnia
Alzheimer’s disease
Parkinson’s disease
Bowel Syndrome
Crohn’s disease
Is CBCV legal?
Currently, no laws specifically restrain CBCV from being consumed. Although in the majority of countries in the world, CBD and THC remain illegal, others have adopted a more liberal approach and have made their consumption for medical purposes legal, with certain limitations. For examples, in most U.S. states, CBD products with THC levels of no more than 0.3% have been legalized. If you have selected a therapy which includes CBCV, make sure to check the legalities around the cannabinoid in your area.
Although more research is necessary to establish the true potential of CBCV, discoveries suggest that the cannabinoid is extremely similar to other cannabinoids and therefore it is believed that its effect on the body will be positive. The compound has been closely related to treating the health conditions above but further analysis can open new horizons ahead of the cannabinoid.